Flag an issue on your assignment page

OCUS created a series of smart messages in order to simplify the different processes. You’ll find everything you need to know about them in this article.

Note: only one smart message may be used at a time




After being matched to an assignment

Click on Help to display the following messages :

  • Unassign me: withdraw from the assignment
  • Issue with guidelines: notify the OCUS team of any difficulty understanding the guidelines. The OCUS team will get back to you as soon as possible. 


After having agreed to the guidelines

Click on Help to display the following messages :

  • Unassign me: withdraw from the assignment
  • Unreachable: notify the client that you have tried reaching the on-site contact at least 5 times unsuccessfully. The client will sort out the situation.
  • Incorrect on-site contact details: notify the client that the on-site contact information is incorrect. You can specify if it’s an incorrect phone number, address, or email. The client will sort out the situation.
  • The on-site contact refused the job: select the most appropriate option. The assignment will be blocked and categorized as a refusal.

Note: The assignments blocked in "customer refusal" or "unreachable" are automatically canceled by the platform after 90 days. 

After an appointment has been scheduled

Click on Help to display the following messages :

  • Unassign me: withdraw from the assignment
  • On-site contact unavailable: notify the OCUS team of any issue to reach the on-site contact
  • Issue uploading media: notify the OCUS team that you have problems uploading the media. OCUS will be notified and answer you as soon as possible.
  • Job needs to be rescheduled due to the on-site contact: set the new date if the on-site contact wants to reschedule the appointment. If the on-site contact postpones the job less than 12 hours before the appointment, you’ll be eligible for cancellation fees. If you don't have another date yet, don’t write one.
  • The on-site contact refused the job: select the most appropriate option. The assignment will be blocked and categorized as a refusal.If the on-site contact postpones the job less than 12 hours before the appointment, you’ll be eligible for cancellation fees.  

Click on change appointment date to display the following messages :

  • I am not available on that date: notify the on-site contact that you are not available anymore,  and schedule a new appointment date.
  • Job needs to be rescheduled due to the on-site contact: set the new date if the on-site contact wants to reschedule the appointment. If the on-site contact postpones the job less than 12 hours before the appointment, you’ll be eligible for cancellation fees.

Click on set a reminder to remember to call the on-site contact again to set the appointment when she/he will be available. Details are provided in the dedicated article. You can set a reminder and put a smart message at the same time.



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