How do I receive my photos?

We will send you an email letting you know that the photos have been delivered and are available on your platform. A link in the email will take you directly to the photos. 

You can also view the photos from your personal area and then approve them. 

You also have the choice to give the possibility to your partners (restaurants, agencies, etc.) to receive the photos directly. In this case, the images will be sent to them by email. But this won’t happen without your consent. If you experience any difficulties downloading your photos, please contact our team through the dedicated form available on the Help Center’s home page.

  • The photos can be downloaded via your OCUS platform in the format of a ZIP file. The OCUS watermarks on the previews will disappear once you download the content.
  • Virtual visits are available via a personalized URL hosted on our site and directly available on your OCUS platform.
  • The videos are available via a link provided on your OCUS platform

All that is left for you to do is to leave your comments on our preview interface.

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