Under which conditions must the assignment take place?

Under which conditions must the assignment take place? 

A few precautions must be taken in order for the assignment to be fulfilled in the best-possible conditions.

1. Prepare the premises before the photographer arrives

The on-site contact for the shoot must make sure that the venue is ready (clean, accessible, suitable to be photographed, etc.) when the photographer arrives. Thus you must ensure that you have provided all necessary contact details (name of the contact, telephone number, email address, address) on the assignment page so that the photographer doesn’t get locked out. 


2. Respect the brief 

A brief is sent to both the on-site representative and the assigned photographer. The brief’s purpose is to provide everyone with all of the rules and information required to ensure a successful photoshoot (number of shots to be captured, duration of the shoot, elements to be shot, etc). This is why it is essential for the on-site representative to be familiar with the brief before the assignment and respect it so that the assignment can be completed in the best possible conditions.

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