Assignments on your map

You may not see any assignment on the map due to one or several of the following reasons:

  • There are no jobs currently available in your area. 

New assignments are offered every day at OCUS. Regularly take a look at the assignment map which is accessible from the platform. 

  • New at OCUS? You may not have uploaded your legal document yet.

You need to upload your legal documents in order to unlock the map. Upload them from your account on the platform. We ask you to provide a document justifying your status as a professional photographer such as insurance or certification for example. 

  • You no longer have access to jobs. 

The OCUS team may deny you access to some assignments if you have been involved in a series of incidents. In any case, you will be informed about this decision, and it will be possible to discuss it with the team.

  • We have just moved to your country.

If we have just arrived in your country, we ask you for a little patience. Jobs will be available very soon on the platform.

A better assignment follow-up.

To help you better manage your assignments & make sure appointments are confirmed on time, you can have up to 30 ongoing assignments (without an appointment date and not blocked) on your dashboard.


For more information, contact us through the dedicated form available on the Help Center’s home page, or take a look at our article dedicated to assignment rules.

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