Assignment rating

1. Guiding principles on the OCUS rating system

Once uploaded, each assignment completed by an Image Creator is rated by both the client and the OCUS team. We combine these two ratings to calculate an average score on each assignment to feed the global rating of each Image Creator, taking into account the last four completed assignments.

The higher your global rating, the broader the range of assignments visible by you. A global rating of 4.5 or above ensures that you can access all assignments available for your skillset. 


2. Internal process of the OCUS rating system

The following paragraphs cover the rating process steps undertaken by OCUS for each assignment.

The OCUS team evaluates the quality of an assignment on the basis of the following categories:

  • framing and composition

  • lighting and color (neutral white balance)

  • technical quality

  • general appeal

  • Cover image / Most valuable image

Note:  Some criteria included in these categories were updated in 2022 to rate our Image Creators’ work in the most accurate way.


Framing and composition covers the following criteria: product layout and object positioning as well as zoom level and use of the rule of thirds.

Lighting and color covers the following criteria : exposure and direction of light as well as neutral white balance.

Technical quality covers the following criteria:

  • aperture
  • shutter speed, taking into account movement (if any)
  • focus, including the appropriate depth of field 
  • tripod use, including placement 
  • ISO, including noise 
  • exposure, including its consistency
  • level of contrast 
  • distortion, including barrel, pincushion or mustache distortion

You will now be able to get feedback from our teams on your missions, which will be in the form of labels as presented in the screenshot below.




In the absence of labels, you can request more specific feedback on your recent assignments when the score obtained is below 4.20 out of 5. Note, however, that this feedback will not be systematic and may take several weeks to complete.

Furthermore, the images must be uploaded on the platform before midnight on the day of the assignment. Each hour of delay leads to a 0.2 point penalty that can cumulate to up to a 1.4 points penalty on the rating of the assignment.  

Please refer to this article to troubleshoot uploading issues.

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