Updating your skills

From your OCUS profile, you can add new skills and monitor their status at any time. The selected skills, as well as their status, determine the type of articles you can access (cooking, real estate, etc.).
You can request a review of your skills directly from your profile settings at any time. Each request must be accompanied by a link providing access to at least 5 examples of your work in this specific area. We undertake to respond to your request within 72 hours (working days)

Skills overview


mceclip9.png Your skill has been validated by our team and activated in your profile.

mceclip11.pngYour skill has not been validated by our team, either because your portfolio lacked examples, or becausethe examples in your portfolio do not meet the level expected by our customers. As a result, you will not be to access the available articles for this skill. You can check your profile settings to find out why and submit a request with other examples later.

mceclip12.pngYour skill is pending validation or has not been requested. As a result, you will not be able to access the available articles for this skill (depending on availability).

How to request a review of your skills or add new ones:
You can manage your requests and monitor their progress by clicking on “Manage your skills” at the bottom right of the skills table:


Or from the “Skills Badges” section in your profile settings. This is also where you can obtain a more detailed overview of your accepted, rejected, or pending skills.
You can request the addition of a new skill via the “Request skill” button.
Each request must be accompanied by a non-password protected valid and accessible link (website, social media, Dropbox, Drive, etc.) providing access to:
⦁ your portfolio or a file containing at least 5 examples in the selected area
⦁ the option of confirming that these materials have been produced by you.
If the link you share does not contain any or sufficient examples of your work relating directly to the requested skill, your skill will be declined due to a “lack of information” / “Missing info”.




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